As we all know that there are methods employed in the surgery known as the FUT hair transplant and the FUE hair transplant. The technique or extraction method in the hair transplant procedure is used to extract the grafts/hair roots from the safe donor part of the scalp. The hair transplant in India is enormously growing at a faster pace due to the vast availability of the services and facilities. The hair transplant cost in India is less that makes the choice option more budgets friendly and attracts patients across the globe. The hair transplant surgery is allowed when a patient is affected by pattern hair loss and significantly shows the effect of baldness with different Norwood grades. The hair loss is a universal problem and 60 out of 100 men are affected by the hair loss issue at any point of their lifetime. However, the procedure of hair transplant has relevancy and accepted worldwide to restore natural hair. The procedure of hair transplant when performed with the combined technique enables us to receive a maximum number of grafts in a single time. The combined technique is also termed as the Mega/Giga session as it is completed in more than 7-8 hours of a day, yet it is a one-day technique meets the expected demand of the hair transplant procedure.
How to perform the combined technique of the Procedure?
The combined method of the hair transplant procedure involves both the FUT and the FUE technique in which firstly the surgeon performs the strip method or the FUT technique and thereafter the FUE technique is performed. The surgeon analyses the patient’s scalp status and then recommend the particular method in order to utilize the donor area properly according to the grade of baldness and donor state. The procedure when performed by the combined method of the FUT+FUE hair transplant, it is known as a combined technique of the procedure and requires an extremely analytical and decision-making ability on the part of the surgeon. The technique relevancy can be seen when a patient is severely affected by a greater grade of baldness and looking for the option that treats the issue with the best aesthetic effect as well as the best number of hair roots.
The Strip method in the first hour:
The FUT or the strip method of the hair transplant surgery is performed on the first hour of the hair transplant procedure that involves the strip excision from the safe donor part of the scalp. The strip contains a number of hair follicles/grafts in a single session that allows a surgeon to extract a mega number of grafts to fulfil the restoration goal of the surgery. Higher magnification of the grafts enables a surgeon to obtain the best number of viable grafts and thus also increases the sustainability ratio. Therefore, it is a recommended technique that sorts out the issue of balding. After the extraction process, the further steps of the hairline design, slit creation, and the implantation of grafts is all same in both the techniques and fulfil the restoration goal of the hair transplant surgery.
The FUE Extraction in the second half:
The FUE or the follicular unit extraction is the method that involves multiple punching regardless of safe or unsafe areas as there is an obligation to make every punch followed by maintaining a certain distance to the next punching. The FUE hair transplant is performed in a random way that doesn’t ensure us the permanent hair roots, yet it is popular due to the need for performing the combined technique to meet the expected demand for the grafts.
The Significance of Combined Technique in Hair Transplant Surgery:
- It fulfils the need for bigger Norwood: The combined technique of the restoration procedure effectively meets the demand for a bigger Norwood grade of baldness by providing enough amounts of grafts/hair follicles. The combined technique makes it possible to obtain a maximum number of grafts in a single session and so it gets easier to cover a relatively higher grade of baldness.
- It requires for densely packed hair transplants: The combined technique of the procedure easily meets the demand for the high-density hair transplant. A surgeon can obtain more than 4000 grafts in a single session when one has a requirement of that much of grafts to fulfil the desired density need. The procedure strength is best rated on the basis of the density and volume achieved after receiving the results of the hair transplant surgery.
- The combined technique when donor area is weak: The combined technique is also performed in such a state when donor area is not enough to offer the feasible number of grafts means when the donor has the weaker density or thin hair. Thus, the combined technique is recommended to fulfil the expected demand for hair transplant surgery.
In the nutshell, we can say that the combined technique of hair transplant surgery is a special way to perform the procedure that offers enough donor supply to fulfil the desired restoration goal of the surgery.