We all know hair transplant now!
Thanks to Internet and online sources that has made learning things very easy.
But isn’t it concerning which technique to go for the perfect results. It really is as the proper selection of the technique decides the outcomes.
Dr Suneet Soni, one of the leading hair transplant surgeon across the country and founder of medispa clinic has excelled the field of hair transplant since more than a decade.
When to choose FUT or FUE hair transplant technique is a million-dollar question.
Are you one of them who is looking for some trusted information about the technique associated with the hair transplant.
This blog will solve your concern for sure.
There are few criteria which led the doctor to decide which technique is suitable in particular case.
One of the simple criteria to decide on the technique involves the need of the count of the hair roots.
FUE hair transplant: If the need of the hair grafts is less around 2000 – 2500 hair roots then FUE hair transplant is a suitable technique.
FUT hair transplant: FUT hair transplant can be a suitable technique when there is need of around 3000 – 3500 hair roots. In addition, if there is prediction of future hair loss in a particular case then FUT hair transplant is the preferred technique. In such cases, multiple sessions around 2-3 can be possible when we use FUT hair transplant.
Here comes a recent innovative technique: Combination technique of FUT and FUE
When to go for Combination technique?
FUT hair transplant technique can provide a limited number of hair roots (3000 – 3500 hair grafts). When the patient need more than 4000 – 4500 hair grafts for the procedure then Combination technique could be a feasible solution in which FUT and FUE hair transplant is performed in single session.
When to combine Beard graft extraction?
When the need of hair roots is more than 4500 then it is difficult to fulfil the demand even by combination technique of FUT and FUE. In such cases, beard hair extraction is the best option where around 3500 hair grafts can be harvested using FUT hair transplant, 1000 hair grafts using FUE hair transplant and around 1000 hair grafts can be extracted from the beard area (under the chin area).
What are the benefits of Combination technique of FUT, FUE and BHT?
In low grade baldness (grade III or IV)
- The donor area can be preserved for the future sittings. A thin strip is sufficient to harvest around 3000 hair grafts. Around 1000 hair grafts can be extracted using FUE hair transplant. This avoid depletion of donor area and preserves the donor area for future sittings.
- By FUT hair transplant, single thin hair roots can be harvested easily and planted at the front line or temporal triangles for the better aesthetics. By FUE hair transplant, multiple thick hair roots can be extracted which gives fuller look.
In High grade baldness
- It provides higher yield of the hair grafts (more than 4500) in single session.
- Despite the higher yield of hair grafts, we can preserve the donor area for the future sittings.
- Provision of harvesting both single and multiple hair grafts is possible which delivers natural looking results and high density hair transplant.
Medispa hair transplant clinic is the leading centre for hair transplant treatment in India. We cater celebrities, high profile patients and common man. Our international levels of facilities and world class treatment at an affordable cost has built trust of thousands of patients in us.
If you look forward to have a perfect hair transplant, then Medispa hair transplant clinic in Delhi and Jaipur is the perfect destination for sure.