In recent years, the hair transplant sector has experienced significant growth, offering countless individuals the opportunity to address bald spots and enhance their self-esteem. The advantages of this method, which delivers a remarkably natural-looking solution to hair loss, are truly long-lasting. This technique has achieved great success thanks to advancements in the field, attracting those struggling with hair loss to take advantage of this innovative medical option. By utilizing hair follicular grafts from the patient’s own body, hair transplant is a minimally invasive elective procedure. It is important to note that there is currently no alternative method that can restore lost hair follicles, so it is crucial not to confuse this procedure with others.
In recent years, the popularity of hair transplant in Jaipur has been on the rise due to the significant improvement in the quality of treatments offered in the city. Only a few well-established hair transplant clinics in Jaipur have managed to provide excellent facilities that meet international standards. The intense competition in this industry has led to a significant decrease in the hair transplant cost in Jaipur, attracting both local and foreign patients who consider India as their preferred destination for hair transplant tourism.
Medispa hair transplant clinic has emerged as a leading choice for hair transplant tourism and has gained a remarkable reputation worldwide. We offer top-notch services that adhere to international standards, all at an affordable price. Dr. Suneet Soni, the owner of Medispa hair transplant clinic, is highly skilled and experienced in hairline designing. His artistic talent has placed him among the best hair transplant surgeons globally.
Hair loss issue
There are multiple factors that can lead to hair loss. The most common cause of hair loss is genetics. Other factors such as hormonal imbalance, diseases, trauma, and various other reasons can also contribute to hair loss. Additionally, poor nutrition, stress, and pollution can accelerate the process of hair loss.
Hair loss affects men and women differently. In men, hair loss usually starts at the front and middle of the scalp. As the hair loss progresses, the bald area becomes larger. In the advanced stages of hair loss, the entire head may have thinning hair, with a ring of hair remaining on the sides and back.
On the other hand, women who experience hair loss often notice central thinning. As the hair loss worsens, the area of thinning hair becomes wider. It is important to note that female hair loss typically does not lead to complete baldness.
FUT and FUE hair transplant
There are two main techniques used for hair transplants: FUT and FUE. These methods differ in how the hair follicles are obtained. In FUT hair transplant, a thin strip is taken from the back and sides of the head and sent to the laboratory. Skilled professionals then divide it under high magnification to extract each hair follicle. The donor area is then stitched up to facilitate healing and minimize scarring, while each hair graft is carefully implanted in the desired bald spot. On the other hand, FUE hair transplant involves individually retrieving each hair graft from the donor area using a punch tool to extract the hair follicle. The hair follicles are promptly transplanted to the targeted bald area to prevent them from drying out.
What about Body hair transplant?
Body hair transplantation, or BHT, is a procedure that entails harvesting hair grafts from various body areas apart from the scalp and relocating them to areas experiencing hair loss. Common donor regions include the chest, beard, underarms, and pubic areas. This method is employed when there is insufficient hair density on the back and sides of the head, and it can be complemented with FUT and FUE techniques to enhance outcomes in severe cases of baldness.
Combination technique of FUT, FUE and BHT
Surgeons opt for advanced combination procedures that merge various techniques to ensure extensive coverage, particularly for severe cases of baldness. This is especially crucial when dealing with patients facing higher grades of baldness or those with limited donor areas. A notable recent development in the field is the integration of FUT, FUE, and BHT technique, which have revolutionized the hair transplant industry. In this approach, FUT is employed to extract and collect the initial 3000–3500 grafts, while the remaining hair grafts are obtained through FUE and BHT methods.
Typically, the areas on the side and back of the head serve as the donor sites. In order to prevent noticeable patches of baldness in the beard, hair grafts are often extracted from the shaded region beneath the chin during a body hair transplant. The combination methods prove to be highly effective in addressing complex cases of hair loss or situations with low donor density. However, due to the fragility of the donor sites and the requirement for a significant number of grafts, it is essential to consult with a highly trained surgeon when opting for combination procedures. This is where the surgeon’s artistic sensibility and expertise come into play. Dr. Suneet Soni, a renowned surgeon, has been at the forefront of utilizing combination procedures, establishing himself as one of the most skilled practitioners in the field.
Significance of combination technique of FUT, FUE and BHT
- The combination technique enables the harvesting of the optimal number of hair follicular grafts, a feat that cannot be accomplished by either technique alone. To achieve maximum coverage in a single session, the surgeon can extract over 4000 hair transplants, particularly beneficial for cases of severe baldness. While the FUT method allows for the collection of 3000–3500 grafts, any remaining grafts can be obtained through the FUE method.
- While ensuring the maximum number of grafts are harvested in a single session within the safe zone, it is crucial to prioritize the preservation of hair follicular grafts for future sessions.
- This approach effectively capitalizes on the advantages of each method while mitigating their disadvantages. By employing the trichophytic closure technique in the FUT procedure, which entails extracting a thin strip of scalp tissue, scarring is eliminated and becomes nearly imperceptible.
- Additionally, the utilization of the FUE procedure minimizes follicle damage by extracting the fewest number of grafts necessary. Furthermore, an abundant supply of both single and multiple grafts is gathered, enabling meticulous selection and transplantation in the desired areas, resulting in enhanced aesthetics and broader coverage.