What is The Significance of FUT+FUE+BHT Combination Technique?

What is The Significance of FUT+FUE+BHT Combination Technique?

Hair transplant methods were rudimentary several decades ago, often failing to yield natural-looking outcomes. However, advancements in technology have significantly enhanced these procedures, enabling them to achieve remarkably natural results. The field of hair transplantation is continuously evolving, contributing to its increasing popularity. As personal, social, and professional dynamics place greater emphasis on appearance, aesthetic considerations have become paramount. Employers are increasingly inclined to favor a younger demographic for improved representation and a more youthful image for their organizations. Hair loss poses a significant cosmetic challenge, as it can create an impression of aging. In this context, hair transplantation offers individuals experiencing hair loss a renewed opportunity to restore hair in balding areas.

Hair transplantation involves relocating hair follicles from a donor site to an area experiencing baldness, selected based on the density of existing hair. The popularity of hair transplants in India is on the rise as awareness of the procedure increases. When compared to the costs associated with hair transplant treatments in Western countries, the expenses in India are significantly lower. The price for hair transplants in India typically ranges from 70,000 to 400,000 INR, influenced by the reputation of the clinic. Medispa clinics, located in Delhi and Jaipur, specialize in a combination approach to hair transplantation, ensuring optimal results. This bio-stimulated combination technique of Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) was pioneered by Dr. Suneet Soni.

If you are inquiring about the hair transplant cost in India at various centres, Medispa is recognized as the premier facility in Delhi and Jaipur. The field of hair transplant in India is continuously evolving, with ongoing advancements and innovations. Historically, hair transplants were performed using outdated techniques that often failed to yield natural-looking results, necessitating multiple sessions to achieve an acceptable hair density. However, recent developments in hair transplantation have led to significant improvements, allowing for aesthetically pleasing and dense results in a single session. For individuals experiencing extensive hair loss, advanced treatment options are now available to deliver satisfactory outcomes in just one session. These innovative methods include a combination of FUT and FUE, as well as the integration of Body Hair Transplantation (BHT). Such approaches not only facilitate the extraction of a greater number of hair grafts but also provide additional advantages over the use of singular techniques in cases of severe baldness.

Hair Transplant Techniques

Hair transplantation is a surgical intervention aimed at enhancing aesthetic appearance. This procedure involves the removal of hair follicles from the donor sites, typically located at the back and sides of the scalp, as well as other regions with stable hair growth, and subsequently implanting them into the areas experiencing hair loss. The primary donor sites for hair follicles include the back and sides of the head, the chest, the underarms, and the beard. Two principal techniques are commonly employed in the execution of hair transplant procedures.

The FUT hair transplant procedure entails the removal of a strip of hair from the posterior and lateral regions of the scalp. This strip is subsequently forwarded to a laboratory, where proficient technicians meticulously isolate each individual hair follicle. The strip is divided into several segments to ensure accuracy. Concurrently, the donor site is sutured using an advanced method referred to as “Trichophytic closure.” This approach facilitates healing with minimal scarring, rendering it nearly imperceptible. In a single session, this method can effectively extract approximately 3000 to 3500 hair follicles. It is often advised for individuals experiencing significant baldness or when multiple procedures may be necessary. The harvesting is conducted on a limited area, enabling the surgeon to extract the strip multiple times in subsequent sessions.

FUE hair transplant technique entails the meticulous selection of individual hair follicles from the donor site. A specialized punch tool is employed to extract these follicles, which are subsequently implanted into the targeted balding regions. To reduce the risk of scarring, the punch is inserted at a predetermined distance. This method can achieve the extraction of around 2000 to 2500 hair follicles in one session and is particularly advisable for facial hair transplants and cases of early hair loss.

Perfect technique for hair transplant

At Medispa Hair Transplant Clinic, we implement a comprehensive strategy to maximize the survival rate of hair grafts and ensure enduring results from hair transplants. A notable advancement in our methodology is the Combination technique, which integrates the FUT, FUE, and BHT methods. In this innovative approach, both FUT and FUE procedures are conducted within a single session, while BHT entails the extraction of hair follicles from various areas, including the scalp, chest, beard, and potentially the pubic region, all in one session. During the process, approximately 2800 hair grafts are harvested from the scalp using the FUT method, with an additional 1200 grafts obtained via FUE. Furthermore, around 500 grafts are extracted from each of the other body areas mentioned. This technique enables us to collect over 5000 hair grafts in a single session, facilitating a more extensive harvest without over-extraction from any particular site. Consequently, the results of the hair transplant are not only permanent but also exhibit a natural appearance.

Benefits of combine technique FUT +FUE + BHT

This sophisticated technique presents numerous benefits compared to individual methods and was developed with the objective of achieving optimal results, which include:

  1. Enhanced hair graft yield from a limited area without the risk of overharvesting.
  2. Preservation of hair graft integrity.
  3. Provision of high-quality hair grafts with an elevated success rate.
  4. Assurance of the longevity of hair grafts, as the safe donor area remains intact.

Nonetheless, this procedure is undeniably complex and requires a high degree of precision, demanding exceptional skills from the hair transplant surgeon. The effectiveness of the procedure is largely contingent upon the surgeon’s expertise. In India, only a select number of clinics offer hair transplant services, with Medispa Hair Transplant Clinic being one of the few to have pioneered this advanced technology.

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