Advancements are a crucial requirement in every field especially the medical sector. Similarly hair transplant industry is undergoing a lot of advancements and innovations which have made the procedure a huge success. Hair transplant is the best and most effective solution of hair loss which offers permanent results with absolutely natural looks. Therefore, the hair transplant procedure is really worth your time and money as it is onetime investment for experiencing a great change in your life.
Hair transplant
Hair transplant is a minimally invasive surgery which involves shifting of the hair follicles harvested from the safe donor area followed by their transplantation at the recipient bald area. The donor site is decided based on the hair density available and is most commonly the back and the sides of the head and alternatively could be the body hairs.
Hair transplant in India has become the most popular treatment modality for hair loss among the hair loss sufferers. There are few renowned hair transplant clinics who have adopted all the advanced procedures which are been introduced to improve the techniques and omit their disadvantages. Hair transplant cost in India is very affordable and that makes it a golden opportunity for the hair loss sufferers to take the advantage and bring back the youthful look with pleasant hair coverage over the baldness.
Medispa hair transplant clinic is pioneer in the field of hair transplant which is recognized for the world class hair transplant outcomes with absolutely natural looking hairline. Dr Suneet Soni is one of the best hair transplant surgeon in India who is celebrated worldwide for his excellence in the field of hair transplant. He has a huge name in the hair transplant industry for introducing many innovative approaches for providing the best hair transplant outcomes.
Hair transplant technique
The hair transplant procedures are performed by 2 basic techniques which are FUT and FUE. These techniques are differentiated based on the graft harvesting methods and are explained as follows:
FUT hair transplant technique: FUT technique is performed by removing a strip from the donor area which is then dissected to harvest individual hair graft. The harvested hair grafts are then transplanted to the recipient bald site.
FUE hair transplant technique: This technique is performed by pulling out the hair follicles from the donor area using a punch like surgical device. The location of the root of the hair is assumed and then the punch is inserted to pull the hair follicle blindly which makes this technique more prone to hair damage. These extracted hair grafts are then transplanted at the recipient site.
Limitations of FUE hair transplant technique: One of the biggest limitations of FUE hair transplant technique is that the hair follicles are extracted by pulling them from the underlying scalp skin. Once the required number of hair follicles are harvested these are successfully transplanted at the recipient bald area.
The hair grafts when extracted by pulling forces are more prone to damage and needs to be transplanted as soon as they are extracted. But unfortunately the minimum out of body time after the FUE technique is in hours which cause damage to hair grafts. To overcome this flaw the rapid harvest and early implantation technique came into practice.
Rapid harvest and early implantation technique: Does it over come the FUE technique limitations?
In this technique the slits are prepared at the recipient site before extracting the hair grafts. Then the hair grafts are extracted which are immediately transplanted in the prepared slit. This practice reduces the out of body time of the hair grafts to probably half an hour. But still this technique extracts the hair follicles by pulling and cannot omit the damage to hair grafts to nil. Still this technique has added advantage over conventional FUE technique.
FUT hair transplant technique on the other hand does not possess such disadvantage as in this technique the hairs are harvested by dissecting the removed strip under the high magnification. The harvested hair grafts by this technique can successfully have out of body time of 8 – 9 hours without any sort of damage as pulling of the hair follicles has not been done.
For the best advanced hair transplant, visit Medispa hair transplant clinic. Book you consultation now for appointment.