The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) revealed this fact around 80 million men and women in America are affected by the genetic hair loss or the Androgenic alopecia. It is more common in men and affects both the scalp hair and hair from the entire body where hair growth is experienced. The hair loss has a number of reasons that are segmented into two main categories, namely, the genetic and non-genetic hair loss. The genetic or hereditary hair loss is scientifically termed as the Androgenic alopecia, whereas non-genetic hair loss has many categories, includes, the autoimmune disorder or the Alopecia areata, stress caused hair loss or Telogen effluvium, Anagen effluvium, and Trichotillomania. The hair transplant in USA is more common in the picture and most of the people are getting benefits by the procedure. But, when we talk about the cost, the hair transplant cost in USA is a bit higher compared to Asian countries.
There is the only solution with a hair transplant to receive the permanent hair when someone is affected by the hereditary hair loss or the Androgenic alopecia. However, it needs more concern when someone wants to have a hair transplant procedure. The procedure of hair transplant is successfully applied in both the cases of the male pattern hair loss and the female pattern hair loss.
- The Hereditary Hair Loss or Androgenic alopecia:
The Androgenic alopecia is a hereditary hair loss in which genes and hormones at play for presenting the hair loss problem. The DHT-sensitive hair roots that are presented all over the scalp areas, except the back & sides of the scalp, i.e., the occipital & parietal part of the scalp; which has DHT-resistant hair roots and never shows the effect of miniaturization or hair loss. Both men and women are affected by genetic hair loss, but it is more common in men and presents the male pattern baldness. Women also affected by the pattern hair loss, but it is not presented in the form of total baldness, except hair thinning or widening the gap between the partitions.
- The autoimmune disorder or Alopecia areata:
The autoimmune disorder of hair loss occurs when body own cells mistakenly attack the hair follicles result in presenting the Alopecia areata or the spot baldness. The spot baldness occurs in the form of small and round patches of spot that shows the autoimmune dysfunction by losing hair from all over the scalp area or the body parts wherever the growth of hair is experienced. The spots occur due to the alopecia areata are white in color in a coin-shaped hairless spot that are needed to be treated with proper medications. It often causes unpredictable hair loss because hair loss may start from any part of the body in a random manner and sometimes it leads to complete loss of hair on the scalp termed as Alopecia totalis. It is an autoimmune disorder and there is very less scientific evidence that Alopecia areata is caused by stress. There is no cure for Alopecia areata, but medications are available to suppress the activity of immune functions. The most common form of Alopecia areata treatment is Corticosteroids that can be administered through topical ointment, local injections or given orally.
- The stress caused hair loss or Telogen effluvium:
When stress causes hair roots to be pushed prematurely, it presents the case of Telogen effluvium. Telogen effluvium is such case when the hair follicles get early entry into the resting phase results in severe hair loss. This can be chronic or acute needs the treatment most. There are a considerable number of different causes for Telogen effluvium exist that are evaluated during the consultation session. Sometimes high fever, childbirth, severe infections, chronic illness, psychological stress or major surgery presents the case of Telogen effluvium that is needed to be treated with the prescribed medications.
- Anagen effluvium:
Anagen effluvium is also called the diffused or non-scarring alopecia due to its hair shedding symptoms that are started during the growth phase, Anagen of the hair growth cycle. This is in contrast to Telogen stage as it started during the growth phase and alters the overall hair growth cycle. One may experience a large amount of hair loss in a short span of time. Anagen effluvium often occurs with the abrupt shedding of hair on the scalp and entire body wherever hair growth is experienced. The main causes of Anagen effluvium include autoimmune disorder, infections, toxins, and radiations. Treatments are available with the topical Minoxidil solution, chemotherapy, and cosmetic camouflage.
- Trichotillomania:
Trichotillomania is a psychological disorder in which patients can’t resist the urge to pull out their own hair. Patients affected by the Trichotillomania disorder tend to pull out their own hair from the scalp or body results in hair loss issue. However, it is important to consult a psychologist first and then follow the prescribed medicines given by your hair loss expert to control the issue. Generally, it is corrected over time when the patient is treated carefully with the right medications and consultations. Trichotillomania is more common in teenagers, young adults, and tends to affect girls more often than boys.