Every surgical procedure is followed by certain precautions and instructions to heal better the surgical site. Hair transplant is a minor elective surgical procedure which is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures chosen because of its minimal invasiveness and high safety.
Hair transplant is an outpatient surgical procedure which is performed with the intention of providing the appropriate hair coverage at the desired bald area on scalp or involving face like beard, moustache or eyebrow reconstruction. If you are unhappy with your hairline and that is a halt in your appealing look, then you can get an attractive hairline by hair transplant procedure.
Hair transplant is a fairly safe procedure when performed under safe hands. The procedure involves the area around vital structures so it is imperative to put efforts on finding the right hair transplant surgeon. The procedure involves harvesting the hair follicles from the area of your own body which possess permanent or DHT resistant roots. These hair grafts are then transplanted at the recipient bald site.
Hair transplant in India is widely popular because of the excellent services at few highly renowned hair transplant clinics. Some of the hair transplant surgeons are world fame and are fortunate to have gifted skills to perform the world class hair transplant. On top of all, the hair transplant cost in India is quite affordable besides the international level of services.
Medispa hair transplant clinic is one of the leading hair transplant clinic in India well known for offering the best services. Our motto is to provide the safest environment and comforting experience to our patients. Dr Suneet Soni is among the top tiered hair transplant surgeons in India who has exemplary skilled hand with an extraordinary artistic vision.
Like every other surgical procedure hair transplant also demands few precautionary measures to be taken before and after the procedure. Let’s find out about the precautionary measures taken before and after the procedure.
Safety measures taken before hair transplant procedure
There are few of the crucial safety measures to be taken before the hair transplant procedure which are explained as follows:
- Prefer wearing the buttoned shirt before undergoing the procedure and for few days after the hair transplant procedure.
- Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol strictly at least 3 days before undergoing hair transplant. The smoking and alcohol have a negative impact on the healing because of the vasoconstriction caused by these chemicals.
- If you are on aspirin due to any medical condition then you need to stop the medication prior to the procedure with the physician’s consent.
- You should shampoo your hair as prescribed by the hair transplant surgeon before undergoing the procedure.
- It is better to not go overboard and self treat using anything which is not prescribed by your hair transplant surgeon.
- Wear a cap before the procedure when you are going outdoors after shampooing.
These few general instruction should be inevitably followed and should not be overlooked as every instruction would add towards the success of the procedure.
Safety measures taken after hair transplant procedure
The hair transplant procedure is followed by few of the safety instructions to be followed strictly to avoid any sort of complication. There are few short term side effects of the procedure which usually resolves on its own within a week after the surgical procedure.
- Swelling: It is a common consequence following hair transplant surgery which usually resolves within a week. It includes the forehead and sometimes could extend till the eyebrows. The patients are advised to sleep by elevating the head at 45 degrees during sleeping for at least 3 – 5 nights. Including, a head band is provided by the clinic to wear for around 2 days for at least 4 -5 hours a day.
- Itching: It is usually unavoidable after the hair transplant and could subside in almost a week. No interventions are generally required to treat the itching but it should be kept in mind to avoid scratching at the recipient area. The scratching could displace the hair grafts or could cause infection at the site of the planted hair grafts. Including, it is advices to use the shampoo and lotion as prescribed by the hair transplant surgeon.
- Pain: Mild pain could be a possibility after the hair transplant procedure for few days. The pain is usually tolerable and if not you can ask your hair transplant surgeon for pain killers which could soothe the pain.
Other general instructions after the hair transplant procedure
- Routine work can be initiated from the next day of the procedure.
- Strenuous activities like gym and weight lifting should be avoided for around a month
- Swimming, steam, sauna and hot baths should be avoided for at least a month
- Eat healthy and take proper rest
- Wash your hair regularly after the procedure according to the prescription provided by the hair transplant surgeon.
- Do not touch or scratch your head in any circumstances
- Avoid excess sweating and dirt entrapment at the recipient area
- Wear a loose cal whenever going out which should be wore and removed gently without hurting the newly planted hair grafts.
If you are looking for a safe and perfect hair transplant then visit Medispa hair transplant clinic for the best experience.