The back and sides of the scalp are considered as the safe areas for the surgical hair transplantation. The Follicular Units in these areas are normally resistant to the Di-hydro Testosterone (DHT). In other words, a safe area contains a group of hair that is genetically resistant to the DHT sensitivity and do not get affected by the hereditary hair loss.
Safe Donor Area of the Scalp
On the Contrary, to the safe area, hair grafts in other regions of the scalp are easily affected by the androgen/DHT causes a severe hair loss. Under the influence of such hormones, hair follicular graft gets shrunk and causes the hair loss. In the condition of hair miniaturization as a type of hair loss due to Androgenic alopecia the graft becomes shorter and thinner and finally, it falls out. After falling of the hair, new hair does not grow in that place and hair growth cycle permanently ended up in this area.
In order to restore the growth of hair in these bald regions, follicular units/ grafts are transplanted, that must be taken from the safe areas. The hairs have a natural tendency of DHT resistivity and destined to remain permanent forever. The transplanted hairs that are taken from the safe area started growing and follow the natural and original hair growth.
In both the techniques of hair transplant, i.e., the FUE and FUT, grafts are extracted from the safe area. In FUE, grafts extract from the middle by leaving some hair to cover the scalp. While in FUT hair transplant, grafts are removed via a thin strip of the skin and incisions is closed with the advanced Trichophytic closure.
After extraction of grafts with FUE punches, scalp in the safe area becomes visible due to heavy depletion of hair, whereas in FUT, in spite of harvesting much higher number of grafts, the marks of the incision are not perceptible. The scalp appears completely as natural as before.
As compared to a safe area, the hair roots in an unsafe area are inclined to fall out and very much prone to lose. Since the hair roots of unsafe areas are sensitive to Di-hydro Testosterone. The unsafe areas are temples, crowns and vertex area. In male-pattern baldness (MPB), the front and top of the scalp are the first targeted area that experiences the thinning and balding as these areas are not resistant to DHT hormone.
In FUE hair transplant, there are limitations of graft extraction, which is not allowed in the case of a large/larger grade of the balding portion with a higher number of grafts. If the safe area fails to give the supply of the required follicular graft numbers, then grafts pulled out from the unsafe area of the scalp. The negative impacts of such extraction, which taken from the unsafe areas, are less sustainable. Extraction of grafts by the punching machine during the FUE procedure results in an appearance of a multiple white scar visible scalp. The follicular units holding grafts that are extracted from the unsafe area of the scalp fallen out in due course of time and the head becomes partially bald again!
The FUT technique does not require a wide donor area because the grafts harvested in a single strip known as strip harvesting around 1.5 to 2 cm long and 29 to 30 cm wide. Generally, this thin strip gives over 4000 grafts, which is quite adequate for covering the bald region of 8 centimetres from the frontal hairline towards the vertex.
The expert and best hair transplant Surgeon prefer the FUT hair transplant with a view to the full utilization of safe donor portion rather than the FUE procedure as the FUT involves the excision of the strip from the safe donor portion gives the sustainable and a number of hair grafts and achieve the goal of the aesthetic hair restoration surgery. Dr Suneet Soni believes in the aesthetic outcomes and performs the regular practices for the FUT, FUT+FUE and FUE as according to the patient’s needs and scalp condition at their Medispa Laser, Cosmetic & Hair Transplant Centre, Jaipur & Delhi, India. The cost of hair transplant surgery varies as according to the practiced technique and number of graft implantation and applies the same principle at both the clinics of Jaipur (Rajasthan) and New Delhi, India.
Hair transplant surgery aims to achieve a result that is as natural as possible. In order to do this, however, we need more than the most up to date techniques.