Nowadays, increased prevalence of hair fall and baldness, even in the patients in their 20s is commonly. Although, the occurrence of hair fall is seen in both men and women, it is more common in male patients as compared to females. This issue was more prevalent in older individuals previously. This change can be attributed to lifestyle and environmental changes. As seen globally, the incidence of hair loss has also skyrocketed in the capital city of India, Delhi.
Reasons for Increased Prevalence of Hair Loss in Delhi:
Increased Air Pollution: The air pollution has increased substantially from last few decades. Delhi has been ranked as one of the top cities with worst air pollution. With worsening of air pollution, the occurrence of hair fall in young individuals has risen steeply.
Modern Lifestyle Changes: Lifestyle changes such as late night work shifts, unusual sleeping hours, eating junk food, decreased physical activity, etc. is quite common in youngsters nowadays. These changes pose adverse influence on the overall health of the individuals, along with augmented rate of hair fall.
Nutrients Deficient Diet: Younger generations are more inclined to fast foods and junk foods these days. Because of decreased intake of nutrients in the body, hair follicles have been weakened resulting in ultimate death of the follicles and hair fall.
Increased Stress Level: Stress is a common problem in modern life. Everyone from a businessman to a corporate worker faces intense stress on a daily basis. This stressful life style has lead to high prevalence of hair fall at younger ages.
Because hair loss is commonly correlated with aging and unaesthetic looks, it has forced younger individuals to explore various hair loss treatments. From various available treatments for hair loss, hair transplant is the only treatment providing high success rate and permanent solution to hair loss. This method of hair restoration has been widely used in Delhi from past two decades.
Hair Transplant Techniques Available in Delhi:
The common hair transplant methods used worldwide are FUE and FUT. Both the techniques have their respective advantages and disadvantages. Let’s discuss about these techniques of hair transplant in brief.
It is a highly effective hair restoration technique where a strip of hairs is excised from donor site and transplanted to the area of baldness. Before transplanting the hairs to the recipient area, hair follicles are separated in to individual grafts under microscope by the technicians. The follicles implanted on the recipient site will continue to grow naturally, if implanted with high precision and skill. This method has benefit of covering large bald regions in a single session. However, a linear scar at the donor site is remained after the procedure.
FUE Hair Transplant
This is a latest technique to harvest hair follicles individually from the donor site. The harvested hair follicles are successfully implanted on the recipient sites by the surgeon. This technique is scar free and minimally invasive. The patient can wear short hair after this treatment. The patient can go back to his usual life and work on the very next day only.
FUT and FUE Combined Treatment
In patients with large areas of hair loss, a combined technique of FUE and FUT is used to allow us to utilise the donor area as efficiently as possible.
Why to Select Delhi as your Destination for Hair Transplant:
Cost of hair transplant in Delhi
The cost of hair transplant depends on number of factors such as severity of baldness, technique followed for hair loss, experience of the surgeon and facilities provided by the center. However, the average cost of one hair graft in Delhi ranges from INR 30-100. This cost of hair transplant is fairly cheaper as compared other countries where average cost is approximately 3-4 times more than cost in Delhi.
Quality Treatment from Skilled and Experienced Plastic Surgeons
A successful hair transplant procedure requires combination of surgical and artistic skills with years of experience. A normal surgeon cannot perform the surgery efficiently. For high success rate with this technique sensitive procedure, a plastic and aesthetic surgeon should perform the surgery. In Delhi, a number of plastic surgeons who work extensively on hair transplant surgery are working with established hair transplant centres. They are active members of international societies such as ISHRS and ISAPS. Their high success rate and accolades from previous patients can be seen with highly positive reviews from online forums dedicated to hair transplant surgery such as hairtransplantnetwork.com, whatclinic.com and realself.com.
Availability of Latest Technology
Hair transplant centres available in Delhi are equipped with latest technological advancements. World class hair transplant is provided to the patients. They follow international standard sterilisation protocols for maintaining cleanliness at the centres, and use surgical instruments standardised by international communities.
Painless and Scar less Procedure Available
Painless and scar less hair transplant procedure is provided by few surgeons in Delhi. Various Bollywood celebrities seek hair transplant from them. They have been performing hair transplant surgery on patients on daily basis and have mastered the technique of painless and scar less procedure. With respect to the experience in number patients, hair transplant surgeons of Delhi are more accomplished as compared to surgeons from western countries.
It is my high recommendation for everyone with hair loss at any age to consider undergoing hair transplant procedure in Delhi as experienced surgeons provide world class treatment using latest techniques and technologies. Low cost of the procedure is just topping on the cake.