One of the most important aspects of the hair transplant procedure is using the advanced microscopes while dissection that plays a pivotal role in achieving the expected results.
It is very important to use higher magnification at each & every step of the hair transplantation to get the best possible results. It is needed for the initial step of the procedure until the last that allow a Surgeon to see the graft more clearly in order to avoid the damaging of even a single hair root and helps them in defining the angle & direction of the same very precisely. However, the use of microscopes helps in achieving the best possible aesthetic outcomes of the procedure.
The higher magnification of microscopes is crucially needed in the FUT technique due to the following points of consideration:
The magnification has the same importance in the FUE technique likewise the FUT one, but a very few clinics use the higher magnifications in the FUE technique, which affect the outcomes later in terms of density and natural looks.
At Medispa, we use higher magnification either the technique is FUT or FUE!
Here we are mentioning the significance of using the higher magnification of microscopes in the FUE as follows:
At Medispa, we use the higher magnification of microscopes while slitting as well. It helps in making the slit in a definite zone in order the save the existing hair roots, otherwise leads the double loss and hence we are very much concern to use the magnifications in the slitting step and use the 4x loop-magnification to make the slitting at the particular site, either the technique is FUT or FUE one!
For example, if a plant is harvested from one soil and again planted to another soil; it is important to save the existing roots of another plant placed in the same soil in order to avoid the cutting them! And, in this way, the magnification is needed during the hair transplant procedure to save the existing hair roots to avoid the double loss.
Why there is need of Microscopic dissection in the Hair Transplant Procedure is highlighted below:
At Medispa we routinely achieve the regrowth rate more than 95% with the use of advanced 20X German microscopes as well as 200X video-assisted microscopes.
What is our Specialty in using the Microscopes is jotted down below:
Why Do We Need Microscopes to Reduce the Damage Rate?
In the process of hair transplantation, Surgeons just facilitates the shifting of hair root from one location to another for which one needs to be more precise at every step of the procedure in order to preserve each individual shaft because a damage of graft leads to double loss, meaning donor area has limited supply of grafts and for the placement with a high-density or expected density, there is need of a number of grafts to achieve the aesthetic goal of the procedure. So, it is important to preserve each & every graft to achieve the natural outcomes of the procedure. However, the dissection of graft step must be carefully dissected with the help of stereo-microscopes with extreme precision and care in order to preserve them for further sitting as well.
Advantages of Microscopic Dissection in the Hair Transplant Procedure:
Why is FUE not a Compatible technique?
Most of the clinics commercially propagate the FUE technique as the latest technique of hair transplant, but it is a big myth in the hair transplant world. The competencies of any technique depend on their way of application to achieve the best outcomes, but the way of extraction of grafts in FUE is a less compatible as compared to FUT and doesn’t support the aesthetic results of the procedure.
The extraction of grafts in FUE involves the dynamic punches with the help of a punching machine above the scalp skin and it is difficult to decide the position of hair roots that what exactly an angle & direction of the particular root and extraction is done simultaneously. It is also called the blind technique as the extraction of grafts is based on the surgeon’s speculation, which leads to heavy graft damage.
The graft damage in FUE due to forecasting regarding the graft’s angle & direction can exceed up to 50% or more than that if the operating Surgeon is not an expert and experienced as well.
Disadvantages of FUE:
Hair transplant surgery aims to achieve a result that is as natural as possible. In order to do this, however, we need more than the most up to date techniques.