Hair loss has been influencing the sufferer’s life in every manner these days which includes the personal, social and the professional lives. It is one of the mentally challenging cosmetic concerns as the people are aware that the lost hairs could not be regained back. The hair loss could be permanent or temporary wherein most of the people suffer temporary hair loss at least once in their life time. You could consider hair loss when you are losing more than 100 hairs in a day or find a flock of hairs in sink, or pillows or while combing.
The permanent hair loss definitely needs medical attention and you need to seek for medical advice for sure. People usually ignore the early signs of hair loss and then seek medical advice when it becomes quite noticeable and the bald area is seen. Self treating is what people seek initially and use many cosmetic products like oils, shampoos and lotions to cure the baldness. But these cosmetic products are not worth treating the hair loss and spending your money as they are not the modalities which have no impact on the permanent hair loss.
What is pattern baldness?
Pattern baldness is also referred as genetic baldness or androgenic alopecia which is caused by the genetic dysfunction causing oversensitivity to the hair follicles. The hair follicles which are DHT sensitive possess the receptors for the androgenic hormones and undergo changes in the influence of the hormone. The hair follicles undergo hair thinning and miniaturization which ultimately leads to hair loss. The progression of hair loss causes the growing baldness which initially involves the frontal area and the vertex area. The progression of hair loss increases the bald area and widens it leaving a band of hair at the back and sides of the head.
What are the possible cures for pattern baldness?
The hair loss treatments are pursued in higher numbers by people all across the globe due to high aesthetic awareness. The possible cures introduced till now for hair loss includes:
- Hair accessories: The hair wigs, suction wigs and extensions are commonly used modalities by most of the people to hide the baldness but the hair accessories used are generally temporary in use. These accessories need high maintenance and continual replacements in months to a year which could be definitely grueling for the patients. Including, the outcomes are also not very appealing as they look unnatural.
- Prosthetic hairs: They are in recent trend as they are quite more natural looking than the hair accessories because they are customized and personalized for each patient. The prosthetic hairs are designed by a professional and look more natural. But still they are a temporary option in treating the baldness as you need to replace them in months or maximum in a year which makes them an unreliable option for long term management of hair loss issue.
- Medications: Medications were introduced and recommended to the hair loss patient with the vision to reduce the progression of hair loss and to increase the rate of hair growth. The medications like minoxidil and finasteride are introduced for the hair loss solution but these medications delivers unpredictable results which might or might not revert back once the medications are stopped. Including, these medications like every other medicine might have some long term side effects for which they are not indicated for long term which make them a temporary option to treat baldness.
- Hair transplant: Hair transplant procedures involves the restoration of the hair grafts from a specific donor area which is opted based on the presence of permanent hair roots in these areas. The hair transplant procedure is definitely a permanent solution to hair loss which makes it the most desired treatment option for hair loss as you can curb the hair loss issue for life time.
Is hair transplantation the best way to cure pattern baldness?
The hair transplant is the ultimate solution to hair loss issue and is considered the best way to treat the baldness. The hair transplantation procedure is in huge limelight because of the certain benefits of the procedure which are explained as follows:
- Hair transplant is a permanent treatment option for hair loss issue as the procedure is performed by handpicking only the permanent hair roots for transplantation.
- The procedure offers the natural looking results but the procedure demands the aesthetic sensibility in the hair transplant surgeon.
- The hair transplant procedure does not need any maintenance once the physical recovery is over as the process involves the hair growth following hair transplant just like the other existing hair.
- No frequent replacements and visits to professional is required as once the results are achieved then no added maintenance and follow up is required.
- It is a painless procedure which makes it a pain free permanent ultimate solution to hair loss.
Medispa clinic for hair transplant in Jaipur is one of the leading destinations for hair transplant tourism across the country. We offer the international levels of services at an affordable hair transplant cost in Jaipur that is well known for providing the incredible results with high success rate. If you are in search of the best hair transplant surgeon across the country then you are definitely at the right place, straightaway visit Medispa hair transplant clinic to meet the world wide recognized hair transplant surgeon: Dr Suneet Soni.