Medispa hair transplant clinic has been among the top hair transplant clinics since 2005 and served thousands of patients successfully with a life changing experience of hair transplant. At Medispa hair transplant clinic we make sure to scrutinize every possible detailing regarding hair transplant surgery in the light of providing the exceptional hair transplant results.
Dr Suneet Soni: the head of Medispa hair transplant clinic has huge experience in the field of hair transplant having performed more than 10000 hair transplants. Each of the innovative and cutting edge advanced hair transplant technique is intended to provide the finest possible outcomes with world class natural looking results.
At Medispa hair transplant clinic you can be assured of the remarkable results at an affordable hair transplant cost. The hair transplant in India has been approached by hair loss sufferers globally as Indians hair transplant surgeons are renowned for their skilful hands and artistic vision.
In India, hair transplant in Jaipur has gained all the limelight so is because of the best and finest hair transplant surgeon practicing in the city. Dr Suneet Soni is a magnificent and exemplary hair transplant surgeon who is expert and is consistent in providing the excellent hair transplant results.
You can definitely trust us for your hair restoration goals which are clearly visible by the huge patient footfall at our clinic from worldwide. Our dedicated team and uniquely skilled hair transplant surgeon: Dr Suneet Soni has made us fortunate to be the best hair transplant clinic across the country.
The theory of donor dominance was proposed by Dr. Norman Orentriech in 1952 when he successfully transplanted the hairs from the back of the head to the bald area in the frontal area. He proposed this theory after successful results that the tissues which are taken from the donor area (tissues extracted from the back of the head) represent the characteristics which are independent of the recipient site.
The donor dominance theory could explain the principle of hair transplant procedure as the donor area when transplanted at the recipient site successful regenerate new hair from the follicle. It is assumed by the theory that the characteristics of the hair follicles lies in the root itself and is dominant over the physical characteristics of the original scalp area.
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a hormone which in people with genetic dysfunction binds with the receptors present on the surface of the hair follicles and cause hair loss in specific areas of the scalp. The progressive hair loss causes the baldness over time. The donor area considered for hair transplant is those areas which possess hair grafts which are resistant to DHT hormone which when transplanted to any location on scalp does not undergo hair loss.
Is donor dominance theory Questionable?
In recent years, the donor dominance theory is facing refutation as there are some evidences which question this theory to be incorrect. Ideally the transplanted hair should take up all the genetic characteristics of the donor site according to donor dominance theory. But some cases have been evidenced that the transplanted hairs have taken few of the characteristics of the recipient area. These evidences therefore question the donor dominance theory and the researchers have thus concluded that the transplanted hairs have considerable impact of recipient site too along with the characteristics of the donor area.
How much is donor dominance theory valid?
The hair transplant results have been successful since years of introduction of this procedure which definitely proves the validity of the donor dominance theory. This theory is widely accepted by the medical practitioners dealing with hair transplant. It might be possible that the donor hair does not retain all the characteristics of the donor area and is sharing the characteristics with the recipient site but it is very clear with the permanent outcomes that the donor hair is definitely carrying the DHT resistant property of the transplanted hair no matter wherever they are transplanted.
So yes, we can say that this theory is still valid and makes sense.
Donor dominance suggests that hair transplantation form the donor area takes up all the characteristics of the donor zone as the genetic makeup of the hair follicle is in its root. Thus, due to this feature the hair grafts would never undergo hair loss when transplanted at the desired bald area.
From the past recent years, a new concept has come up after the assessment of the researchers which is completely opposite of the donor dominance theory termed as “recipient dominance”. This theory supports the fact that the recipient area has impact on the transplanted hair property and few of characteristics are adopted by the recipient area along with the donor areas.
But it is very clear that the recipient dominance do not have the prevalent domination as in that the transplanted hairs would have lost over time along with the existing hairs during the process of hair loss which never happens. Instead, the recipient dominance shows its impact in subtle ways and shows up domination of very few characteristics.
It is definitely true that hair transplant works and provides the ultimate solution to your hair loss issue. It is the only permanent solution to your hair loss problem as the results stay throughout the life and the transplanted hairs do not undergo any sort of changes under the influence of androgenic hormones.
The hair transplant procedure includes the harvesting of the hair grafts from the donor area and then transplanting them to the desired bald area. The donor areas are specifically those areas of your body which possesses permanent hair roots which are most commonly the back and sides of the head and alternatively the body hairs apart from the scalp.
Hair transplant has delivered excellent natural looking results to uncountable hair loss sufferers and definitely they are satisfied and overwhelmed about the fruitful outcomes they have received. So don’t wait to get the life changing experience of hair transplant at Medispa hair transplant clinic in Delhi and Jaipur.
The hair structure includes a shaft which is the visible portion of the hair and a follicle which is not visible and is under the skin of the respective area. The follicles are the biological structure of the hair which is responsible for the growth and development of the hair.
During permanent hair loss not only the hair shaft is lost but also the follicles shrink and die which is not regenerated back. So you cannot expect the revival of the lost hair follicles and that’s why you develop bald area. The only permanent solution to this permanent hair loss issue is hair transplant surgery. In this procedures the hair from a donor area with DHT resistant hair follicles are extracted and transplanted successfully to the bald area which offers the permanent results.
Through transplantation, if performed by expert hands you can expect survival of more than 95% of the hair follicles which will grow further and life for lifetime.
The hair growth cycle is definitely independent of the external factors and they grow until the person is alive. The hair growth cycle involves 3phases: Anagen phase, catagen phase and telogen phase. Similar to the natural existing hair the transplanted hairs follow the same growth pattern and cycle which do not need any special maintenance.
After the few days of hair transplant the hair follicle undergo shock loss during which all the transplanted hairs are lost and your bald area would exactly the way it was before hair transplant. This phenomenon is absolutely normal and a part of the hair growth cycle. Followed by the shock loss the hair follicles undergoes rest phase for considerable amount of tie and then initiate growing which will be visible in few months after the procedure.
The visible hair growth can be seen in around 3 – 4 months after the hair transplant which is complete in probably a year after the procedure.
Considering the life span of the transplanted hair, it is assured that the judiciously chosen hair grafts would stay for lifetime if the procedure is performed under expert hands. The important factors which ensure the permanency of the hair grafts for lifetime and make your transplanted hair live forever includes:
- Genetic makeup of the transplanted hair follicle: The transplanted hair follicles should be DHT resistant and the hair transplant surgeon should judiciously decide the donor area so as to avoid the violation of the safe zones.
- Damage to hair grafts: While performing hair transplant care should be taken to protect the damage to hair grafts which will ensure their survival for life time.
Your transplanted hair definitely would stay for lifetime so if you have concerns and queries about the procedure and its principles you can book an appointment with us at Medispa hair transplant clinic. With us you can clear your doubts and be confident that this procedure is going to bring back your confidence and would surely cover your bald area for life time.