The most important factor while choosing the surgery of hair transplant as the final decision is about choosing the best clinic or centre. There are many things needed to be considered while you all set to receive the hair transplant surgery, but choosing the best clinic or the centre is one of them. The best hair transplant clinic in India is one that has international recognition and accreditations from a number of reputed hair restoration societies and forums and earned many credit records by offering a number of aesthetic results in the field.

Choosing the best hair transplant centre in India is a research full job needs study, analysis, and planning to select the best one. First of all, it is important to discuss the facilities and service advantages of receiving the technique of restoration from the particular clinic and one can guess the recognition and reputation of the centre by adding the factors of specialty with the hair transplant concern.

hair transplant

By this article, we are explaining the standard guidelines which are needed to consider and follow while choosing the hair transplant clinics in India:

Parameters to choose the Best Hair Transplant Clinics in India

  1. Who is performing the Procedure at that Clinic?

It is a very important aspect to choose the clinic as it explains the factor of perfection that comes only when the procedure is performed by the expert surgeon. It must be cross-checked by the patients while finalizing the clinic who is heading the centre. It is a well-known fact that hair transplant surgery requires an expert surgeon who has dual proficiency in terms of art and science, which helps in meeting the desired restoration goal of the surgery. Thus, it is very important to know who is performing the procedure at that clinic and what record of aesthetic success they are credited with. And, it is also very helpful to check the reputed restoration network and forums to check the performance, record and results given by the respective hair transplant surgeons.

  1. What is the standard of the clinic in a worldwide Perspective?

The standard of the clinic is rated on the basis of performance, successful results, outstanding outcomes given by the surgeon; safety and hygiene concern followed by the clinic, the popular technique of restoration adhere to the advanced modifications such as bio-advanced hair transplant surgery as well as using the cutting-edge technology to perform the surgical procedure. If the chosen clinic strictly follows the advanced and international measure to perform the surgical procedure, it means they are concerned about a safe and infection-free hair transplant surgeries. The hair transplant surgery must be performed in such a way that they offer a painless and scar less surgical outcome of the procedure and to follow this clinic must maintain the advanced surgical method, in terms of incising the donor area and closing the same with the advanced closure technique of the modern Trichophytic closure.

  1. The employment of the Popular Hair Transplant Technique: It is also important to check which restoration technique is employed by the hair transplant centre. Generally, it is believed that employing the most advanced technique is very good and one must consider the factor while choosing the surgeon or clinic. The hair transplant centre must have recognized and certified surgeon who must possess proficiency in performing all the technique of restoration as it all depends on the case and the situation which restoration technique would be better for a particular hair loss patient. However, it is much needed in the surgery that the surgeon and clinic has a credit record in performing all the restoration technique, including the bio-stimulated method of the combined technique of FUT+FUE hair transplant surgery.
  2. The Cost of the Surgery: The cost of the surgery is the first favorable factor to be considered while choosing the destination to receive the restoration procedure. The hair transplant cost in India is generally less and that is why most of the international patients, mostly from the USA, UK or UAE used to visit India and get the restoration surgery done. The cost factor is the prime influencing factor and if the clinic offers many lucrative benefits along with quality facilities and care the cost may get high, but in India, one can get all these advantages at an affordable cost and so it is the best concerning aspect while selecting the one among many others.


On the whole, we can say that the procedure of hair transplant surgery needs the primary consultation that is mandatory to choose the best destination as well as the best surgeon to receive the best outcomes of the procedure. One must analyze the aspect with respect to quality, perfection, the result, cost and the outcome that only meets successfully when we choose the best clinic to receive the surgery.

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