Hair Transplantation in Canada like in other parts of the world is on a rise. While there are some centres in Canada that offer hair transplantation services, the quality of service, the expertise, the experience of the specialist and the cost of the entire procedure all vary drastically. The prices also vary greatly. They also vary according to the requirement of the patient, the recipient area to be covered, the supply available in the donor area and the qualifications of the specialist.

There are many factors to keep in mind before undergoing a hair transplant in Canada, some of these are mentioned below:

  1. The Technique You Choose:

The number one factor that needs to be decided before undergoing hair transplantation is the technique that you wish should be used for you. To decide this you need to first understand both the techniques available.

The first technique to be discussed is Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):

  • A narrow strip of skin from your scalp is taken from the donor area which is at the back or sides of your head, usually running from one end of the ear till the other.
  • The skin is then kept in a sterile medium and using high power microscopes, they are cut into thin strips from which roots of hair are precisely harvested causing almost no wastage or damage to them.
  • The recipient area is then prepared for incisions in which the follicles are placed.

The main benefit of an FUT hair transplant over an FUE hair transplant is obviously cost, since it can be 40% – 50% less in Canada. Also, if area of hair loss is larger then the results will be much better with one FUT itself since it will many more grafts in one session itself.

The Second Technique is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

In this technique, each unit of the follicle is individually extracted from the scalp. The grafts are then collected using sterile needle tips. Smaller grafts are preferred since they give a more natural look. The grafts are collected in a group of 3-4 hair strands together known as Follicular Units from which the name Follicular Unit Extraction is also obtained. The grafts are then prepared for implantation using an Implanter pen or a needle. The needle of the pen is pricked into the skin in the desired angle and direction of hair growth.

  1. The Number of Grafts that you need:

The next aspect to consider is the number of grafts that you need.

Most clinics charge based on the number of grafts that are transplanted. The average cost per graft for FUT ranges from $2.50 to $6.00 per graft. IT ranges from $6.00 to $12.00 per graft in FUE. 

  1. The Number of Sessions you may require:

The next thing to consider is the number of sessions that you require. This is of much importance in the case of higher grades of balding where the donor supply may not be enough for the recipient area in one go.

Hair loss in Canada is thus a major concern for the people living there. It should be dealt with in time. A hair transplant is a convenient and economical solution to this problem. It is so because of the latest advancements in the techniques of hair transplant and the low rates in eastern countries such as in India. A hair transplant procedure is upto 75% more expensive in Canada than in India.

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