Hair Restoration: What You Need To Know Before You Go Under The Knife

Hair Restoration: What You Need To Know Before You Go Under The Knife

Hair transplant in India has gained immense popularity, attracting people from all corners of the globe. Thanks to the widespread use of the internet, individuals can easily connect with Indian clinics and avail themselves of top-notch hair treatments. The hair transplant cost in India is significantly lower, ranging from 5 to 6 times less than in other countries. Moreover, a handful of hair transplant clinics in India offer unparalleled quality in their procedures. Only a select few of these clinics have earned international recognition for their expertise. Among them, Medispa hair transplant clinic stands out as one of the most renowned in the world. Our clinic is committed to delivering world-class hair transplantation services at an affordable price. We adhere to global standards and employ various techniques to ensure high-quality results for our patients.

Our team of experts identifies the root cause of hair loss and suggests the optimal treatment solution. We create a customized treatment strategy to offer the most efficient and lasting solution to your hair loss concerns. Our commitment is to achieve exceptional outcomes. To ensure a safe and complication-free hair transplant procedure, we strictly follow all hygiene protocols. To date, we have assisted more than 10000 individuals from over 20 different countries. The satisfaction of our patients motivates us to enhance our services with each new individual. Medispa Hair Clinic stands out as the premier destination to fulfill your aspirations if you are in search of the best hair transplant clinic in India.

Hair transplant

Hair transplantation is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgical procedure that involves extracting hair follicles from the donor area, typically the back and sides of the head, or other areas of the body with sufficient hair density. These harvested hair follicles are then transplanted into the recipient’s bald area.

This procedure requires a high level of precision and expertise, and should only be performed by experienced surgeons. The steps involved in a hair transplant surgery are as follows:

  1. The hair is trimmed according to the chosen procedure and technique. For FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation), only minimal shaving is required from the strip harvesting area. However, for FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), complete shaving is necessary.
  2. Once the hair is trimmed, both the donor area and recipient area are locally anesthetized.
  3. The grafts are harvested based on the chosen technique. In FUT, a thin strip is removed and then dissected to obtain individual grafts. After the strip is harvested, an advanced technique called trichophytic closure is used to close the donor area, resulting in a nearly invisible scar.
  4. The recipient site is prepared through a process called slitting. This step is crucial and requires careful planning to ensure optimal aesthetic outcomes.
  5. The harvested hair grafts are then planted into the prepared slits at the recipient site.
  6. After the hair transplant procedure, small circular clots form around the newly transplanted hairs. These clots are washed off by the professional team at the clinic on the second day following the procedure.

Important points to consider before undergoing hair transplant

Can hair transplant deliver permanent outcomes?

Hair transplantation is the only treatment for hair loss that offers long-lasting results. The hair follicles located on the sides and back of the head are resistant to DHT and do not thin or shrink due to genetic factors. Since these follicles retain their original characteristics and remain permanently in the transplanted area, it is recommended to relocate them to the desired recipient site. Medispa hair transplant clinic in Delhi and Jaipur is renowned for providing the best hair transplant services in India. As the largest hair transplant team in the country, we ensure exceptional results for our patients.

Is your hair transplant surgeon the right choice?

The success of a hair transplant heavily relies on the skill and experience of the surgeon performing the procedure. It is crucial to select a hair transplant surgeon who possesses the necessary qualifications and expertise. Fortunately, in today’s digital age, it has become easier to research and verify the academic background of potential surgeons online. Therefore, it is essential to meticulously choose a hair transplant surgeon by examining before-and-after photos of previous patients and reading reviews to ensure that you are entrusting your hair restoration journey to the best professional in the field.

Are you knowledgeable about the process?

You may have heard of the term “hair transplant,” but do you understand what it involves? If you are familiar with the fundamentals of the procedure, it should be easy to have confidence in it. The hair transplant technique is essentially a restorative procedure that involves meticulously transplanting hair grafts from the donor site to the recipient bald area. FUE and FUT hair transplant techniques are utilized to perform the procedure. These techniques are known for yielding optimal outcomes and are specifically recommended depending on the situation.

What results could be expected?

The treatment often raises the expectations of most patients who come in for consultations. While the procedure is considered valuable in theory, it is important to understand the financial aspect as well. During the consultation, the hair transplant surgeon will provide a more in-depth explanation of what to expect.

 Have you been informed about the efficacy of the procedure?

Even if a patient chooses to undergo a hair transplant, it is important to note that the procedure also selects the suitable candidate. This implies that you may or may not be a suitable candidate for a hair transplant. The hair transplant surgeon assesses various factors during the consultation to decide if the procedure can be carried out.

Are you aware of the total expenses involved in the procedure?

The primary concern during a hair transplant consultation is determining the ultimate cost. The surgeon will thoroughly examine your scalp, taking into account the extent of baldness and the number of hair grafts needed to complete the process, before providing you with an estimate of the final cost.

Have you considered what the outcomes might be?

You must be aware that once you depart from the clinic post hair transplant, you cannot predict the results. In fact, it will take several months, if not more than a year, to witness the complete impact of the procedure.

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