Dr Anupama Soni
Dr Anupama Soni
B.D.S. Govt. Dental College, Jaipur,
M.D.S. (Gold Medalist),
Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics,
Dr D. Y. Patil Deemed University, Mumbai
* National Conference 19th FODI & 12th IES, Banglore, 2005
* National Conference 20th FODI & 13th IES, Lucknow, 2005
* 7th National Post Graduate Student’s Convention, Manipal, 2006
* National Conference 21st FODI & 14th IES, Mumbai, 2006
* State Dental Conference IDA, Jaipur, 2008
* National Conference IDA, Jaipur, 2011
* Pre-Conference Course By Dr Gulabivala at National Conference, Mumbai, 2006
* FDI-IDA Continuing Dental Education Programme at Mumbai, 2005
* Continuing Dental Education Programme at Dept of Prosthodontics on LAMINATES & VENEERS, 2006
* Continuing Dental Education Programme on Aesthetic Dentistry by Dr Suhas Lele, 2007
* Continuing Dental Education Programme on Aesthetic Dentistry by Dr Sunil Bhoolabhai, 2005
* Continuing Dental Education Programme on Aesthetic Dentistry by Dr Deepak Mucchala, 2006
* POSTER- National Conference 19th FODI & 12th IES, Banglore, 2005
* POSTER- National Conference 20th FODI & 13th IES, Lucknow, 2005
* PAPER- 7th National Post Graduate Student’s Convention, Manipal, 2006
* PAPER- National Conference 21st FODI & 14th IES, Mumbai, 2006
* PAPER- IDA State Conference Jaipur, 2008
* PAPER- IDA National Conference Jaipur, 2011
* DENTISTRY TODAY PLUS: Non-Surgical Management Of Cutaneous Dental Sinus Tract – A Common Misdiagnosis, 2005
* FAMDENT: Reattachment Of Dental Fragment, 2006
* DENTISTRY TODAY- Macroabrasion with nightguard vital bleaching, 2005
* DENTAL DIALOGUE: Modern Disinfectant: Pad, 2007
* ENDODONTOLOGY- Multidisciplinary approach to treat subgingival fractured tooth, 2007
Teaching Experience
7 years experience in taking undergraduate lectures and clinical cases.
Clinical Experience
7 years experience in managing all type of cases related to Endodontics
A Comparison of Canal Centering ability of two nickel titanium systems and ni-ti hand instrumentation with stainless steel hand instrumentation in 10-25 degree curved canals using Endo-kuttler’s cube, 2007
* Federation of Operative Dentist India (FODI),
* Indian Endodontic Society (IES)
* Indian Dental Association (IDA).
* Chaired scientific session in FDI- IDA National Conference Jaipur, 2011
* Gold Medal in MDS,
* Merit certificate by Rajasthan University in second, third & final BDS.
* Highest score in Rajasthan University in Orthodontics and Oral Diagnosis
* Distinguished in Pharmacology and Orthodontics
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