Hair Transplant
It could be really disturbing when you lose your strands and the feeling is mutual in males and females. It would feel timorous or would make you question your self-worth. But it is not just you who are facing such issue in fact the prevalence globally is quite high. You cannot control the hair loss but can definitely find a way out to treat it hair transplant in Delhi. Do you know whit what way you can restore it?
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- Hair Transplant in Delhi Results
Hair transplant is your answer to hair loss problem. Let’s know more!
What is hair transplant?
Hair transplant procedure is a restorative surgical procedure which intends to cover the bald area using the hair follicles which are harvested from the specific sites of your body. The procedure is purely restorative and cannot be mistaken as regenerative as it would not bring back your hair follicles which are once lost in the process of hair loss.
The hair transplant is an elective procedure that can be opted by you during any stage of baldness but the condition to undergo the procedure is that you should be a good candidate to undergo the hair transplant. So consult the best hair transplant doctor in Delhi Medispa hair transplant clinic for the genuine advice and mesmerizing experience of hair transplant.
Everything you need to know about hair loss
Didn’t you dream about thick and luscious hair!
Unfortunately the hair loss takes a lot from you and is scientifically referred as alopecia. Your hair loss could be temporary or permanent which is suggested by ruling out the cause of your hair loss. The hair loss could be because of many reasons like genetic dysfunction, systemic disease, hormonal influence or any sort of trauma. Other reasons that have been contributing to hair loss are increasing pollution, environmental deterioration, changed lifestyle and regular use of styling aids.
Believe it, these days it is not just the elderlies facing such issue which was once signs of ageing but in fact the younger generation is struggling with the same issue with a higher prevalence. Therefore, it has become a global concern and ascertaining the sure and shot solution has become mandatory.
Frequently asked questions
Q : How does hair transplant work?
Hair transplant is a restorative procedure that involves the transfer of the hair follicles from the specific donor areas of your body and then transplanting them to the desired bald area.
Q : Will my hair transplant results look completely natural?
The hair transplant results would definitely look natural if the surgeon you have opted is gifted with artistic sensibility. The surgeon has to follow the principles of hairline and creatively design the hairline in order to achieve the natural looking hair growth.
Q : Does the hair transplant procedure hurt?
The hair transplant procedure is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that is performed under the local anaesthesia. The procedure won’t hurt a bit for sure and we assure you a painless hair transplant.
Q : How many hair or grafts will I need?
The most important step while planning for hair transplant is to know that how many hair grafts would I need to cover the bald area. The count of hair grafts to be harvested is decided by the extent of baldness, adequacy of the hair follicles at the donor area and budget of the patient.
Q : What is the recovery or healing time after hair transplant?
Ans : The physical recovery following hair transplant can be expected in 7 – 10 days during which you need to follow certain instructions given to your by your hair transplant team. The healing following hair transplant is uneventful and the donor area would have almost invisible scarring which would end up with aesthetic results.
Q : Will people know that I had undergone hair transplant?
Ans : This depends on the choice of your surgeon. if the surgeon you have chosen is expert and artistic then you can be assured that the results you would get would be absolutely natural and the procedure would go undetectable.
Q : When will my newly transplanted hair start to grow?
Ans : If you are concerned about the hair growth following hair transplant then the truth is that you need to wait for probably 5 – 6 months to see visible hair growth but if the procedure is performed under right hands the wait would be worth it.
Q : Are the results following hair transplant permanent?
Ans : Absolutely yes! The results following hair transplant are permanent as the procedure relies on the selection of the permanent hair follicles which are handpicked and transplanted to the desired bald area.
Q: How do I find an excellent hair restoration surgeon?
Ans : If you are keen to find an excellent hair transplant surgeon then you should look for a highly qualified super specialized and authorized cosmetic surgeon with huge experience and reputed for his excellence in this field.
Q : What causes hair loss?
Ans : The biggest culprit for hair loss is the genetic dysfunction. Other than that systemic diseases, hormonal imbalance, trauma or radiotherapy/chemotherapy could be the causes for the occurrence of hair loss.
Q : Do hair transplant really work?
Ans : Hair transplant is definitely not over rated and it actually works. With hair transplant you can have a permanent solution of the hair loss and the outcomes you receive could be incredible if you have undergone the knife of an expert surgeon.
Q : Is an undetectable hair transplant really possible?
Ans : An undetectable hair transplant is truly possible as the advanced techniques have made it possible for the expert surgeon to deliver absolutely natural looking hairline.
Q : What can be expected after a hair transplant surgery?
Ans : After a hair transplant surgery, you can have a full recovery within a week or 10 days. You can comfortably resume your normal routine from the very next day with certain precautions you need to take to ascertain safety of the hair follicles. Few of the side effects that arepossible after hair transplant include mild swelling at the forehead, mild pain, itching and numbness. These side effects are short lived and subside on its own within few days after the procedure. So it is a very low maintenance procedure and is hassle free.
Symptoms of hair loss
You would be wondering that how to know that you are facing permanent hair loss and is not just a temporary phase. To be frank consulting a doctor would be good if you see some of the signs that directs hair loss. If you see more than 100 hair falling in a day you have a genuine concern and it is the time to consult the doctor. If you see flocks of hair in the sink while bathing, on your pillows after sleeping or in comb while combing, then you should see a doctor to know the cause of your hair loss and the nature of hair loss too.
Insight of hair transplant
The process of hair transplant is performed in certain steps explained as follows:
- Trimming of the head as per the demand of the technique opted
- Administration of local anaesthesia at the donor and the recipient bald site
- Harvesting of the hair grafts from the donor area by either FUT technique or FUE technique
- Preparation of the slits at the recipient bald site
- Transplantation of the hair grafts at the recipient site
- Post-operative follow ups
The hair transplant is a minimally invasive procedure that deals with the hair loss permanently and delivers an astonishing hair growth with natural looking hairline.
Why choosing Medispa for hair transplant?
If you are wondering which clinic to choose for hair transplant treatment then Medispa hair clinic is definitely the best shot you could have to achieve extraordinary hair transplant outcomes. Why so let’s know!
- More than 10000 happy patients
- Assured incredible results
- Maximum hair growth and assured natural looking hairline
- Hair transplant under the hands of globally renowned surgeon: Dr Suneet Soni and world class team
- Safe and comfortable hair transplant
- Promising quality and international levels of facilities
- Latest cutting edge technology and advanced techniques
- Highly cost effective and affordable
Different types of hair transplant services available in India
India has been the place to go for hair transplant tourism since more than a decade. A lot of foreign nationals visit India for the hair transplant tourism as their own country is doubtlessly very expensive for these cosmetic services. In India you can have hair transplant by varying techniques including:
- Grafts method: In this process, the surgeon removes a portion of the scalp insert the available count of the hair follicles at the bald area. This surgery is performed under anaesthesia.
- Flaps: In this procedure the surgeons cover the large area of scalp in shorter time. The surgeon removes the skin of the scalp bald area by stretching of healthy hair from the area where the bald scalp was removed.
Most popular hair transplant treatment in India
- FUT hair transplant:In this technique, a strip is excised and then divided into many sections to harvest individual hair follicle. Each hair follicle with a set of one to four hair follicles are transplanted at the desired bald area. The donor area is closed back.
- FUE hair transplant:In this technique, each hair graft is extracted with the help of a punch surgical device and then these hair grafts are successfully transplanted at the desired bald area.
- PRP hair restoration:PRP therapy is latest in trend and a good way to deal with the baldness in early stages. The PRP is prepared from our own blood which is processed or centrifuged in order to separate the constituents and use PRP directly at the site of hair loss. PRP therapy is also advisable after the Hair transplantation for enhancing the hair growth following the procedure.
- Mesotherapy: In this process, proteins, growth factors and vitamins are administered at your scalp to provide a perfect environment for the hairs to grow and slower the hair loss.
- DHI: DHI is an advanced form of FUE wherein the formation of the slit is done before the harvesting of the hair grafts in order to minimise the out of body time and prevent the damage to hair grafts.
Need for hair transplant surgery- Things you should know
Hair transplant should be planned judiciously when the candidature is confirmed. The factors that are scrutinized before understanding the feasibility of the procedure are age, stability of hair loss, availability of the hair follicles at the donor area and the prediction of the outcomes. If the surgeon advices that the hair transplant can be performed successfully after assessing the complete picture of your hair loss then you definitely you have everything you need for hair transplant.
So far hair transplant is a very safe procedure and affordable too. You need to discuss all the potential benefits and limitations of the procedure along with the expected outcomes for the better decision making.
Cost of hair transplant treatment in India
The cost of hair transplant in India is definitely very affordable and is way cheaper than the cost across the globe. The starting cost of the procedure is around 40,000 INR which exceeds to somewhere around 500,000 INR. The cost of the procedure vary with many associated factors including sex of the patient, age of the patient, need of the hair follicles for the procedure, extent of baldness, technique opted for the procedure and type of hair transplant. Each hair graft would cost you around 40 – 120 INR.
For the final cost of the procedure you need to consult a genuine and competent hair transplant doctor who would examine certain aspects and the quote the final cost.
Post hair transplant care – Things you need to follow after hair transplant surgery
Care for the transplanted hair after the process is easy going and hassle free. After some days of the procedure, you would probably shed all of the hair that are transplanted which is the beginning of the hair growth. The visible growth can be observed within 4- 5 months of the procedure. The transplanted hair are permanent and stay for life time. For a better hair growth and perfect outcomes you need to follow certain precautions and instructions advised by the surgeon. Aftercare of the hair follicles is equally important as the surgeon’s skills so do not overlook the care of these tiny buds implanted on your head.
Where you can find certified hair transplant surgeon in India
Dr Suneet Soni is one of the globally renowned surgeon who has been celebrated widely for his excellence and expertise. He is specialized in hair restoration and other cosmetic treatment with over 16 years of experience. He has performed more than 10000 hair transplant so far and the results he produced are exceptional. He has been considered as a celebrity hair transplant because of his exceptional skilled hairline designing which look absolutely natural.
Types of body hair transplant
- Scalp hair transplant: Scalp hair transplant is the procedure to treat the hair loss or growing baldness on scalp. The hair follicles are usually harvested from the back and sides of the head which is then transplanted to the desired area.
- Facial hair transplant: Facial hair transplant involves the treatment of hair loss in facial areas like beard reconstruction, moustache reconstruction and eyebrow redesigning. This procedure is tricky and difficult because it involves dealing with the aesthetic prone area of your body.
Best hair loss treatment in India
There are many ways to treat or probably hide the baldness but most of the modalities after the temporary solution to your hair loss problem like medications and hair wigs or other aids. Finasteride and minoxidilare two popular medications available in the market to treat the baldness but mostly the results are temporary as the relapse could occur once the medications are discontinued.
Most of the patients look for a permanent solution to hair loss issue to get rid of it for life time. PRP therapy could be a way out for early hair loss cases but it is definitely not an alternative of hair transplant. Hair transplant is the most effective yet ultimate solution to your hair loss problem. This procedure is really reliable and definitely a permanent way to deal with your hair loss so go for it. It is the best hair loss treatment for sure that science has developed so far.