Acne & Pimple Scar
The acne & pimples are a scar resultant wound contains the pus, which is very common under the age of 24. The acne develops due to the over secretion of the Sebum from the sebaceous gland and is very common among the teens and adults under 40. The sebaceous gland active because of the puberty hormone and in very extent it causes the scar resultant wound. The frequency of acne healing time is gradual and the pus-filled raised skin pore causes inflammation on the skin takes their time to heal. After healing of acne naturally, it transformed into the scar resultant area; which is a cosmetic disturbing situation.
Acne affects almost 85% of people at some point in their life. It may last for a few months or a few years and go off by itself. Once an acne lesion heals, it leaves behind a red or hyperpigmented mark on the skin. This mark is not a scar, but only a post-inflammatory change. Usually, our skin takes 6-12 months to heal and remodel itself. But if the mark does not go away for more than a year, then it is definitely a permanent scar. Thus an early and appropriate treatment is all you need to prevent acne from leaving acne scars and dis-pigmentation behind.
The cosmetic procedure, treatment for acne scar is not one for all as it is affected by many factors, including the shape, size and period of the acne scar. The type of acne scar is helpful in deciding the treatment measure for the acne scar.
acne scar removal
One of the main steps to prevent acne scarring is simply not to pick, pinch, and squeeze your pimples. Besides, you can use glycolic peels and some special creams to soften the scar tissue and enhance the texture of the skin. You can also use cryotherapy, collagen injections and some other vitamins and minerals that help reduce acne scarring such as the vitamins A and E, as well as zinc.
Boxcar scars are best treated with the help of punch excision, punch elevation, dermal fillers or laser resurfacing. Ice pick scars are best treated with punch excision or punch grafting. The laser treatment is widely used in the cosmetic surgery procedure to remove the scars due to the acne and pimples. Dr Suneet Soni of Medispa Laser, Cosmetic & the Hair Transplant Centre, is a world’s best cosmetic Surgeon performs the laser treatment for removing the acne & pimple scars. Rolling scars are best treated with the help of subcutaneous incision, also known as a subcision. The subcision cost of the Medispa Laser, Cosmetic & Hair Transplant Centre, Jaipur & New Delhi (India) cosmetic centre is affordable and anyone can easily take this treatment as it is a modest cost option in Jaipur (Rajasthan) and given by the World’s Best Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon, Dr Suneet Soni.
Plastic surgery is performed to treat larger and deeper pitted scars due to the Boxcar scars and the ice pick acne scars.
The plastic surgery includes the following mode to treat the various types of acne scars are as follows:
Medispa Laser, Cosmetic & Hair Transplant Centre, is a state of art world class cosmetic surgery centre providing all the cosmetic surgery services under the one single roof.
Hair transplant surgery aims to achieve a result that is as natural as possible. In order to do this, however, we need more than the most up to date techniques.