To achieve an appropriate density with hair transplant surgery is one of the most important concerns in hair transplant surgery. Generally, 30-40 follicular units/square cm is achieved with the hair transplant surgery known as ideal hair transplants. But, in some specific cases when a patient demands the high-density hair transplant, it is possible to offer 60-70 follicular units/square cm with high viability rates considered as the high-density hair transplants. Hair transplant surgery attains a breakthrough in the cosmetic surgery world with the pioneers in the field who made the possibility of performing the high-density hair transplants with a great success rate. There are recognized hair transplant clinics in India known for providing the best aesthetic hair transplant surgeries at an affordable cost with the best results. Achieving appropriate density in the hair restoration procedure may be an ideal demand, but performing the high-density hair transplant is the proficiency of the surgeon that identifies the cause of restoration with the available donor strength and the feasibility of the technique to perform the procedure.
Which Technique is considered as an ideal choice for performing the High-density Hair Transplants?
Generally, the FUT technique is considered as an ideal choice for the high-density hair transplants as it helps in obtaining a number of hair grafts in a single session. The strip method or the FUT hair transplant is performed via the harvesting technique that is done with the linear incision following the advanced suture to close the wounded areas. The strip contains a number of grafts in a single strip that is dissected gently and precisely by the experienced hair transplant technicians and finally, the dissected grafts are placed into the needed areas of the scalp where it is important to implant the grafts. The hair transplant surgery must be performed in an infection-free environment under the standard safety and hygiene measure and the procedure is needed to follow the standard guidelines and ethics recommended by the expert hair surgeon. The procedure must be carried under local anesthesia and the surgeon must be concerned about the whole surgical procedure and avoid the chances of any kind of risk or possible discomfort by employing the advanced way and technology to perform the procedure.
The role of Magnifications in the High-density Hair Transplant:
The role of higher magnifications cannot be underestimated as it helps a surgeon to obtain the maximum possible number of viable grafts for the hair transplant surgeries. The magnifications are allowed while the dissection process is performed for the hair roots that help in obtaining the maximum number of viable grafts in a single session. Generally, the advanced hair transplant clinics use the German microscopes of the magnifications of 20x and 40x for dissecting every single graft that maximizes the size of grafts 20 and 40-times greater and supports the viability concern in the hair restoration procedure. The Carl Zeiss lenses are also used during the dissection step and all it helps in obtaining the maximum possible number of viable grafts.
What type of Grafts is favorable for the high-density Hair Transplants?
The thick or chubby grafts are required for the high-density hair restoration that is collected precisely via the successful magnification while the dissection process is performed in the hair restoration surgery. The chubby grafts are more compatible to cover the bald areas aesthetically effective and meet the surgical demand with the most natural concern. Therefore, it is quite important to perform the strip method or the FUT hair transplant technique when someone needs the high-density hair transplants.
What is mandatory for performing the High-density Hair Transplants?
There is a need for a healthy donor area, i.e., the occipital and parietal part of the scalp when someone needs the high-density hair restoration. It is the donor area that provides the hair follicles/roots for the restoration procedure; however, donor area must be free from any kind of instability or autoimmune disorder in order to fulfill the restoration demand of the surgery. The FUE technique can also be used or we can say that body hair transplant (BHT) maybe opt for the high-density when the safe donor area doesn’t possess enough hair follicles or they have thin hair characteristic. Thus, both the technique of restoration can be employed to offer high-density hair transplant results. Most of the pioneers in the field greatly recommended the combined technique of the procedure to offer the high-density hair transplants.
In the nutshell, we can say that it is always advisable to pick the expert surgeon and attain the primary consultation if you wish to achieve the best cosmetic results of the hair transplant surgery, especially when it is the case of high-density hair transplants.