PRP: Platelet-rich Plasma for Hair Restoration

What is PRP?

PRP is an acronym of platelet-rich plasma which is as depicted by its name is plasma with almost high concentration of platelets as compared to normal concentration. From past few years, use of PRP in orthopedic surgeries and other surgeries have been widely used. Similarly, the use of PRP for hair loss has is also used. PRP hair loss treatment in Delhi is one of the common procedures underwent by patients suffering from hair loss.

The PRP is rich in growth factors which are responsible for increasing the healing ability of the area in which they are injected. Also, these growth factors are responsible stimulating the stem cells to start neovascularisation, i.e, formation of new blood vessels. PRP is widely used for patients with hair loss and for patients after hair transplant. It improves the growth of hair grafts as well as enhance the healing process after the  hair transplant procedure. To perform PRP treatment for hair loss, 30-40 cc of venous blood is drawn from the patient and further sent it to for centrifugation with centrifugal machine where the platelet rich plasma is obtained after 2 cycles of centrifugation. This platelet rich plasma is then injected into the scalp of the patient for favorable results. The normal platelet count of the blood usually ranges from 1.5 to 2 lacs per millilitre; however, the concentration of PRP is at least 5-times more than normal concentration.

prp hair restoration

PRP Hair Restoration

PRP hair loss treatment:

Generally, PRP hair loss treatment is used to control the hair fall and increase the density and thickness of hairs. Furthermore, PRP therapy is also used after a hair transplant as it increases the rate of hair regrowth process and decreases the healing period. PRP is generally used to control the miniaturization and thinning of hairs that causes the hair loss problem; however, it cannot be considered as an alternative option for the hair transplant surgery. The hair transplant is only a final solution to restore natural hairs with all the natural characters and aesthetic beauty.The platelet-rich plasma or the PRP therapy for hair loss and after hair transplant has an important role in increasing the hair regrowth process as well as increase the rate of healing.

Benefits of PRP hair loss treatment in Delhi

  • Decreases hair loss and controls the hair fall effectively by stimulating the stem cells on the hair graft roots
  • Increases blood supply to the hair follicles
  • Increases shaft size resulting in the improved thickness
  • Accelerates and maintains the hair regrowth process
  • Accelerates the healing after hair transplant
  • Highly positive results when employed along with other hair loss procedures and medications
prp for hair growth

PRP For Hair Growth

How to Prepare PRP: PRP Therapy in Steps

The PRP therapy is a 3 steps process in which blood is drawn from the patients’ own body, especially from the arm, which further sent to the spinning process via the centrifuge machine, and then injected into the scalp by the operator. The 3 step process of PRP includes the extraction, concentration, and the injection followed by the auto-analysis to check the concentration level of the plasma protein. The platelet-rich plasma that obtains after the proper concentration under the précised RPM gives the feasible quality of the plasma protein that induces the healing as well as the growth factor

1st Step: Extraction of blood:

Firstly, the fresh venous blood is drawn from the patient’s own body, preferably from the arm, which is further put into the centrifuge machine in order to concentrate the blood plasma. Generally, 30-40 cc of the blood is drawn from the body that has a normal platelet count of around 1.5 lakhs- 3 lakhs, which is needed to be concentrated to at least 5-times. The first centrifugation cycle separates blood fluid into plasma and red blood cells; the plasma is then subjected to rapidly spinning process where it is separated into platelets rich plasma and platelets poor plasma. 

2nd Step: Concentration of Plasma:

The concentration step of the plasma is performed in the centrifuge machine that helps in separating the plasma from blood cells and then to separate platelet rich plasma from platelet poor plasma. There are two steps of centrifugation process, i.e., low-speed centrifugation and high-speed centrifugation.

Generally, the clinics only follow only one step of the centrifugation with high-speed spin in order to obtain the concentrated plasma that is not efficient to obtain the needed concentration results in failure of PRP therapy.

At Medispa Hair Transplant Center, Dr Suneet Soni advises to perform the PRP treatment in Delhi and Jaipur by following both the two steps, i.e., low-speed spin as well as the high-speed spin in order to concentrate the blood plasma up to the needed quality.

At Medispa, we emphasize on the following steps for centrifugation:

  1. Low-speed Centrifugation: Firstly, the centrifugation process is performed at low-speed that separates the blood into three layers, upper layer consists of platelet poor plasma, second layer is platelet rich plasma and lowermost layer is red blood cells. 

After about 10 minutes in the centrifugation machine at low rpm, the blood will have separated into the following 3 layers: 

  • Platelet-poor plasma
  • Platelet-rich plasma
  • Red blood cells

The initial spinning or centrifugation, which is performed by using a standard centrifuge machine at Medispa Hair clinic helps in separating the blood into plasma and red blood cells. After the completion of the cycle, the operator collects the plasma and uses it for second step.

  1. Perfect RPM Centrifugation: The Centrifugation is performed under using perfect RPM in order to concentrate the blood platelets 5-times and thus concentrated platelet-rich plasma is obtained. At Medispa, we especially focus on carefully perform this step, so that on injecting PRP in the scalp, 1 lakh platelets will be distributed to each sq. cm. After the completion of second step, the needed concentrated form of blood plasma, which is 5-times, is ready for the injection at the scalp. The perfect RPM centrifugation, which helps in concentrating the normal platelet to 5-times, ensures that 10 lakhs/ml platelet count of the blood is achieved.

3rd Step: Checking the Concentration level and injection of PRP:

This is the final step of the PRP therapy in which concentrated platelets are injected into the hair loss areas or where improvement is needed by using the syringe. The platelets are injected strategically in order to improve the healing process as well as encouraging the growth factor.

At Medispa Hair Transplant Centre, the concentration of platelets in the PRP is checked beforehand by using the AutoAnalyzer. The AutoAnalyzer is an automated analyser using a flow technique called continuous flow analysis (CFA).

Auto Analyser Machine For PRP

Auto Analyser Machine For PRP

how prp works

How PRP Works

How PRP Works?

Platelets contains the growth factors that sends signals to your body tissue and helps in regenerating process. The PRP session induces the growth process by stimulating the body cells and tissues. The growth factor and stem cells work together to reverse the hair loss and miniaturization, and acts as a strong option for controlling future hair loss. After a hair transplant procedure, the PRP therapy not only helps in increasing the healing rate of wounds but also encourages the hair regrowth process. Furthermore, the thickness of the hair shafts increase significantly with PRP sessions.

How Frequently PRP is needed?

PRP therapy for hair loss is needed at regular intervals to keep its effects continuous. Generally, PRP therapy requires three treatments 6-8 weeks apart. The follow-up session of PRP is required every 4-6 months. Nowadays, most of the hair transplant Clinics commercially propagate that the PRP is an alternate to hair transplant procedure, but it is NOT right as it can only control the hair loss and improve the thickness of hair to some extent. It is good for those candidates who are simply affected by the Norwood grade I or II baldness or suffering from the hair thinning problem, which is often seen among youngsters! But, the repeated sessions are required at a regular interval of 2-3 months to maintain the results; otherwise, the effect will be reversed.

There hasn’t been enough proof whether PRP is effective. It is also a question that under what condition and for whom it’s most result-oriented.

Do’s & Don’ts of PRP

Do’s Don’ts
It stimulates Growth factor It doesn’t regenerate new hair
It induces expedite healing It is not an alternative of hair restoration
A temporary solution of hair fall It is not a solution to baldness
It improves the thickness of hair It is not a scientific process or documented yet
It needs multiple sessions to control hair fall Just a single session is not enough to induce the outcomes
It works well where there is existing thinning hair It doesn’t work in all cases of hair loss, except NW-I, II

 Are you a Good Candidate for receiving the PRP Treatment?

To check whether you are a good candidate for PRP treatment or not, you should visit your hair transplant doctor. It is advisable to consult with your hair loss doctor if you start experiencing the signs of hair fall or loss with gradual hair thinning. The patients who experience an initial stage of baldness or have the sign of Norwood grade-I or II baldness are a good candidate for receiving the PRP treatment/therapy. However, it is mandatory to go through the primary consultation if you are experiencing any sign or symptoms of pattern hair loss. Since the hair transplant procedure is not recommended so early; the surgeon recommends the PRP session to control the future hair loss or thinning of hair.

Moreover, the patients who receive the hair transplant surgery are also considered as good candidates for receiving the PRP therapy as it induces the regrowth process as well as helps in improving the wound healing.

When PRP treatment is a good Option:

  • The PRP session is fruitful for those patients who have a lesser grade of baldness such as Norwood grade I or II.
  • For patients having hair thinning problem.
  • If a patient is too young to receive the hair transplant surgery or is at starting phase of hair loss, PRP can be recommended.
  • PRP treatment along with the hair transplant surgery makes the procedure bio-stimulated which accelerates the outcomes.

When the patient is affected by a higher NW class of baldness that is more than grade III, the only permanent solution recommended by the surgeon, is the Hair Transplant surgery!

Cost of PRP Session

Generally, the cost of PRP in India and Delhi ranges from Rs. 10,000-12,000. The PRP treatment generally consists of 3 treatments in a period of 6-8 weeks intervals included with follow up or maintenance every 4-6 months. The cost of PRP treatment in India is quite cheaper as compared to foreign nations. The price of PRP treatment at foreign nations usually ranges from $500- $2000.The foreign nationals can get the PRP treatment in Delhi at about 4 times lesser cost and that too in best hair transplant centers.

The cost of PRP treatment depends on a number of factors including:

  • The geographical location of the clinic
  • The equipment used to perform the treatment
  • The addition of nutritive components
  • The concentration achieved by the doctor following the RPM force.

Why PRP Fails?

It is mandatory to prepare the PRP solution with great care and concern in order to obtain the required concentrated form of the platelets rich plasma. Generally, the clinics perform only single centrifuge step to obtain the concentrated platelets, but it causes failure of treatment as it requires desired concentration of platelets to make its effect noticeable. Therefore, it is required to be performed in two steps to extract PRP from the blood sample.

We at Medispa strictly follow the two step process of centrifugation in order to obtain the most feasible concentration to achieve the desired outcome of the PRP treatment.

Apart from this, it is also important to check the concentration level of platelets before injecting them into the areas where it is needed to improve the growth process or wound healing. Very few clinics do this causes failure of PRP treatment.

But, at Medispa we strictly check the concentration level of obtained platelets before the treatment by the use of AutoAnalyzer machine and thus always achieve the success in the PRP treatment.

What is needed to be followed for the PRP treatment?

  • A proper RPM speed of the centrifuge machine
  • The spinning of the centrifugation process should be segmented into categories, i.e., low and high speed of centrifugation to obtain the separated platelets with the most acceptable concentration
  • The concentration of PRP should be checked by the use of the AutoAnalyzer machine before injecting the solution into the needed areas of improvement
  • There may be some sensitivity, so the surgeon/doctor should use the effective local anaesthetic solution or cold ambient air or topical analgesic to reduce any potential discomfort.

Risks or Side effects of PRP treatment

After receiving the PRP injection, it should be made sure that the patient is not experiencing experience the irritation, pain, or bleeding related to the injection site. The side effects may occur due to the wrong way of performing the PRP therapy. The patient can resume their routine work almost immediately after having the PRP injection. But it is advisable to rest for few hours after the treatment.

PRP is NOT recommended in the following cases:

  • When patient is on blood thinners
  • Heavy smoker
  • Have a history of alcoholism

In order to avoid the PRP hair transplant side effects, you need to consult with your hair loss doctor before considering the PRP hair transplant. The PRP hair restoration helps in making the hair transplant procedure a bio-effective and thus helps in obtaining the best natural outcomes of the surgery.


How do you know if you are a good candidate for PRP?

It is advised to consult with your hair loss doctor to know the status of your hair loss and the requirement for the PRP treatment.

How many PRP sessions are required?

The requirement of the PRP session is based on your need. Generally, the doctor advises several PRP sessions at a certain time interval. It is recommended to repeat the PRP session followed by the maintenance treatment 3-5 times per year.

Is the PRP for Hair Transplant session Time-consuming?

Not at all, it is just a few hours treatment as the patient resumes their routine work just immediately after having the PRP therapy.

Is PRP a painful treatment?

No, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, thus it is almost painless. There may be some sensitivity and thus the surgeon uses the effective anaesthetic solution to reduce the pain involved in the injection.

What is the Recovery time?

There is no such downtime or recovery period associated with the PRP treatment. You can resume your daily routine work just immediately after the PRP or platelet-rich plasma treatment as it just completed less than an hour and do not require any recovery time. It is advised to avoid using harsh chemicals or dyes for at least 2 days.

Is PRP an alternative to Hair Transplant Surgery?

No, not at all! It only controls the hair fall problem and can be required to control the future hair loss with respect to extending the time of total baldness. Yet, the baldness appears over time and only the hair transplant surgery is an ultimate and final solution to the problem. On the other hand, the PRP treatment makes the hair transplant surgery a bio-stimulated by encouraging the hair growth factor and stem cells. Therefore, PRP is recommended along with the hair transplant surgery to make the procedure a bio-effective. The PRP hair transplant obviously helps in achieving the expected goal of hair transplant surgery.

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PRP Hair Loss Treatment Consultation

Know Your Hair Transplant Cost

PRP Hair Loss Treatment Consultation

Hair transplant surgery aims to achieve a result that is as natural as possible. In order to do this, however, we need more than the most up to date techniques.


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