Journey of famous actor Mihir Mishra has been splendid with his extraordinary performance in Kumkum, hare kanch ki chudiya and around 40 other shows on Television. He has stolen many hearts with his chocolaty looks and sober personality.
Unfortunately, he also was not spared with hair loss problem. He admitted that his professional career was sinking due to the hair loss problem. Looks and personality matters a lot to be successful in Bollywood and Television world. Due to hair loss, he was somewhere losing confidence.
His hair loss involved vertex area and front area which can be accounted as high grade baldness. We are overwhelmed that he visited Medispa clinic in Jaipur all the way from Mumbai. We have now become the top choice of celebrities and a lot of them pursue us to solve their hair loss issue. We are committed to serve each patient with best hair loss customized treatment after a thorough diagnosis.
Mihir Mishra visited us after a lot of reviewing from internet and his colleagues. He chose hair transplant for his hair loss issue.
Let’s know what actor Mihir Mishra has to say about hair loss and hair transplant
“I was facing hair loss issue just like any other person. But there is nothing to hide about your hair loss as it can affect anybody. It is important to find a solution of hair loss to maintain your confidence. So I chose hair transplant to get rid of baldness. Hair transplant has become a necessity for the people who are facing hair loss. It can effectively treat your baldness permanently.
I researched a lot before coming to Medispa. A lot of my co-actors have already received amazing hair transplant by Dr Suneet Soni. They recommended medispa to me so I checked their work on the website. I feel besides a good hair transplant surgeon he is an amazing artist This artistic vision of doctor is essential to provide an absolutely natural looking hair transplant. I also wished to look the way I was before hair loss. This was an important reason for me to come to medispa. I feel blessed to find such amazing doctor “Dr Suneet Soni. I feel like a changed person after 10 months of my hair transplant. truly a big thanks to Dr Soni for such an incredible work.”
Why bio enhanced Combination technique of FUT, FUE and BHT?
The hair loss he faced involved a bigger bald area on the vertex and the front site. It can be referred as high level baldness. For high level baldness, this technique has been introduced recently. This method has been considered Gold standard for the treatment of high level baldness. Today, the technique has been practiced worldwide and presenting good results.
We can extract around 4000 – 4500 hair roots using this method. The technique involves the combination of FUT and FUE method in single session. In addition, PRP therapy was involved to increase the rate of hair growth after the hair transplant.
Based on the level of baldness and to get the best results we advised this method.
What is Combination technique of FUT, FUE and BHT?
In this method, both FUT and FUE hair transplant is performed in single session. Body hair transplant or BHT is performed in addition using the FUE method. PRP therapy was included too in order to provide the faster hair growth after the hair transplant.
FUT hair transplant method is also known as strip technique. In this method, we take out a strip of skin from the back and sides of the head. The strip is cut into high magnification. Each hair root is separated under microscope so very less chances of hair root damage is there up to less than 1 %. The donor site is closed by placing sutures. We could get around 3000 – 3500 hair roots using this method. We have team of experienced technicians so the damage rate is almost nil during hair transplant at Medispa clinic.
FUE hair transplant method involves the extraction of hair roots one by one from the donor site. A punch is inserted in the skin under high magnification and each hair root is pulled from the donor area. We could extract around 1500 hair roots using this method.
For BHT, we extract hair from the scalp area and the beard too that served to provide additional grafts. In this method we have taken hair roots from under the chin area. This area is also known as shadow area. this provides additional number of grafts which provide better chance to preserve the donor sites for future sittings.
This method could provide more than 4000 hair roots that was suitable to achieve high density hair growth.
Why hairline design is an important component of hair transplant?
Hairline designing is the most sensitive part of hair transplant. It decides the success of the procedure. The hairline designing in hair transplant differs from doctor to doctor. Artistic sensibility is required to deliver natural looking hairline.
Dr Suneet Soni is one of the fewest hair transplant surgeon worldwide who are well known for their artistic excellence. He has been globally opted as one of the most celebrated hair transplant surgeons.
The hairline design is based on the facial profile of the patient and certain principles of planting the hair roots in the front area. The angle of hair roots, arrangement and type of hair root to be planted are considered while planting the hair roots at the bald area.
Let’s see what Actor Mihir Mishra has to say about his hairline
“My hairline looked brilliant. I get a lot of compliments after hair transplant for the hair growth. My smile shows my happiness to get such amazing hair transplant. I am blessed to find such incredible surgeon. I feel I am the best example for people who wish to go for hair transplant. Go for it folks, there is no need to hide behind caps and hair patch for hair loss. You all deserve to have permanent hair loss solution which is definitely hair transplant.”
Are you concerned about scarring after hair transplant?
Scarring after hair transplant is a common concern that people have. People often ask that whether they will have scarring on the beard after BHT. Actually, we take only 15% of the hair root from the beard area which maintains the hair density and no scarring at all. We also use a right diameter punch which avoid the possibility of scarring after BHT.
We use a newer method termed as “trichophytic closure” while performing FUT hair transplant. It is used to close the donor area from where the strip is taken out. This method allows the hair to grow over the scar in future and hide the left out scar for the best results.
So there is no worry of scarring while choosing any method of hair transplant. We at medispa clinic assure you the best natural looking hair transplant with an amazing hair growth.
For any further assistance and find unanswered doubts regarding hair transplant, visit us at medispa clinic in Delhi and Jaipur. Book your appointment today at medispa clinic to change your life for a better future.